Channel: Catholic Spiritual Direction » Jose Antonio Fortea
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What is a demon?

Q: Dear Father Fortea, can you explain what exactly is a demon? Do they have bodies? Where did they come from? A: A demon is a spiritual being of an angelic nature that has been condemned for eternity...

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Are all demons the same?

Q: Dear Father Fortea, are all demons the same? Are there differences between them regarding power, personality, and things like that? A: No. We have already discussed that each demon sinned in a...

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Do demons experience time?

Q: Dear Father Fortea, do demons experience time like we do? A: Yes, in a sense. As pure spirits, angels and demons exist outside of earthly, material time.  However, they do experience a type of...

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What do demons do with their time?

Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, what do demons do with their time? A: In the world of demons, like that of people, some do one thing and others do different things. Demons, of course, cannot build houses, grow...

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Why did God put the demons to the test?

Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, why did God allow the angels to be put to the test? A: The real question is, Why did God not grant all the angels the Beatific Vision from the first moment of their creation? Why...

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What does a demon think about?

Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, what does a demon think about? A: Every demon retains the intelligence of its angelic nature. Demons know and inquire with their minds about the material and spiritual worlds, the...

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Where are demons located?

Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, where are demons located? A: Demons—like the souls of deceased human beings—do not occupy space. This does not mean, though, that they are in some other physical dimension. What...

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Do demons know the future?

Q: Dear Fr. Fortea, do demons know the future? A: No. Demons do not have knowledge of future events. In addition, what belongs to human freedom is undetermined; they do not know in advance our free...

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What is a demon?

Dear Father Fortea, can you explain what exactly is a demon? Do they have bodies? Where did they come from? A demon is a spiritual being of an angelic nature that has been condemned for eternity due to...

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Are all demons the same?

Dear Father Fortea, are all demons the same? Are there differences between them regarding power, personality, and things like that? No. We have already discussed that each demon sinned in a certain way...

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Do Demons Experience Time?

Demons and Time Dear Father Fortea, do demons experience time like we do? Yes, in a sense. As pure spirits, angels and demons exist outside of earthly, material time.  However, they do experience a...

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What do demons do with their time?

Dear Fr. Fortea, what do demons do with their time? In the world of demons, like that of people, some do one thing and others do different things. Demons, of course, cannot build houses, grow food,...

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Why did God put the demons to the test?

Dear Fr. Fortea, why did God allow the angels to be put to the test? The real question is, why did God not grant all the angels the Beatific Vision from the first moment of their creation? Why did He...

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What does a demon think about?

Dear Fr. Fortea, what does a demon think about? Every demon retains the intelligence of its angelic nature. Demons know and inquire with their minds about the material and spiritual worlds, the real...

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Where are demons located?

Dear Fr. Fortea, where are demons located? Demons—like the souls of deceased human beings—do not occupy space. This does not mean, though, that they are in some other physical dimension. What does...

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Do demons know the future?

The Future:  Do Demons Know in Advance?   Dear Fr. Fortea, do demons know the future? No. Demons do not have knowledge of future events. In addition, what belongs to human freedom is undetermined; they...

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